Friday, March 22, 2013

Holy Week of Malaga

Holy week Malaga 2013

The Holy week of Málaga is celebrated for more then 500 years. The processions start on Palm Sunday and continue until Easter Sunday. Thrones of over 5.000 kilos and some of them with more then 250 carriers will be carried through the streets of Malaga with penitents dressed in long robes, often with pointed hats and followed by women in black carrying candles.
Solemn music will be played by drums and trumpets.

Some thrones of Holy Week of Málaga are so huge that they must be housed in other places different from the churches, as they are taller than the entrance doors.
During the Holy week there are also military parades playing processional marches or singing their anthems along the route.

This year the Holy week will be celebrated in Malaga from the 24 of March 2013 (Palm Sunday) and will end on the 31 of March 2013 (Easter Sunday).

Routes and time schedules can be downloaded here:

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